Thoughts/musings from the leading edge of media, entertainment & technology


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Posts with category Internet of Things

Google Glasses

Google Could Make Glasses That Take Searchable Video

Google has put in a patent for a glass-like wearable that records videos and makes those videos searchable through the cloud. Sounds...
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We’re Seriously Underestimating the Virtual-Reality Market

Virtual reality and augmented reality are projected to be a $150 billion industry by 2020. VR and AR are going to revolutionize user...
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Smart Devices

Smart Devices Beget Smarter Recommendations

As we rely more deeply on our personal devices, we’ll see the evolution of intelligent services that can anticipate our needs...
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Data Products

Everything We Wish We’d Known About Building Data Products

Building data products at scale is really hard. Here are insightful tactics so that others can have an easier time and start creating...
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