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Powerful Public Speaking Tips From Simon Sinek

Written by   •  Saturday, 02.05.2015, 01:45
Public Speaking Tips from Simon Sinek

It’s not being in the right place at the right time or knowing the right people. It’s the result of fears faced and erased, trial and error and tireless practice, on and off stage. One of the most watched TED Talk presenters, Simon Sinek shares how to give confident, captivating, and meaningful presentations.


  1. Don’t talk right away
  2. Show up to give, not to take
  3. Make eye contact with audience members one by one
  4. Speak unusually slowly
  5. Ignore the naysayers
  6. Turn nervousness into excitement
  7. Say thank you when you are done


Read full article here.

David Wertheimer

174 Posts

David Wertheimer is the President of Digital at FOX.

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