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Virtual Reality Isn’t (Just) Playing Games

Written by   •  Tuesday, 18.08.2015, 08:10
Virtual Reality

Virtual reality gaming has been “the future” for a long time, but now that there are products set to be released that can be purchased by average buyers, VR is penetrating other markets. We know what a video game looks like in virtual reality but what about a concert? Or a basketball game? How about taking you to the Eiffel Tower in France, or more importantly, to space, or other places you’re likely to never go? I’ve talked about virtual reality in a number of posts because there is so much that is going to stem from the technology. Virtual reality will affect all industries, and we need to make sure we’re ready to embrace it. Read more about the possibilities of virtual reality here:

David Wertheimer

174 Posts

David Wertheimer is the President of Digital at FOX.

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