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A mile wide, an inch deep

Written by   •  Sunday, 22.03.2015, 18:00
Social Media Metrics

According to a co-founder of Twitter: There is no “God Metric” for content — decide which metrics really matter, and tell your story using those metrics, like @ev does: ‘If you think about the impact Twitter has on the world versus Instagram, it’s pretty significant. It’s at least apples to oranges. Twitter is what we wanted it to be. It’s this realtime information network where everything in the world that happens is on Twitter — important stuff breaks on Twitter and world leaders have conversations on Twitter. If that’s happening, I frankly don’t give a shit if Instagram has more people looking at pretty pictures.”

Read full article on Medium.

David Wertheimer

174 Posts

David Wertheimer is the President of Digital at FOX.

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