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Learn this Simple Steve Jobs Simple Productivity Hack

Written by   •  Tuesday, 31.03.2015, 18:19
Steve Jobs Productivity Hacks

Steve Jobs’ trick to achieve laser focus can be applied to both companies and individuals.

In the years I worked with Steve Jobs in Silicon Valley, I saw the power of Steve’s ability to focus first-hand…something I learned and try to emulate every day. There was much about Steve that is inimitable, but this is one that everyone can use.

From Business Insider’s review of Nicholas Carlson’s new book:

Jobs explained in a presentation that many companies will make a list of 10 things they want to achieve in a year, but “the smart companies will take that list and shrink it to three or four items,” Business Insider’s Nicholas Carlson writes in his new book “Marissa Mayer and the Fight to Save Yahoo!” Then Jobs said, “This is how I do it. I take a sheet of paper, and I say, ‘If my company can only do one thing next year, what is it?’ Literally, we shut everything else down.”

Read The Whole Article on Business Insider.


David Wertheimer

174 Posts

David Wertheimer is the President of Digital at FOX.

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